Chasing Bebe was created with a two-fold purpose. The first was to help parents navigate traveling with their kids, to provide tips, insights, and lessons learned in order to help make their adventures fun and less stressful. The second was to share ideas on fun and engaging activities that we have pursued with our little ones, as well as, anything related to “kid life” that as parents has made our lives easier. As such, we may recommend products and services that could be of benefit to our readers and followers.
Chasing Bebe may earn various forms of compensation for products mentioned or promoted within blog posts (linked text), sidebar space, and social media. That means we may earn a small commission for clicks on links and/or any purchases made after clicking through a link.
We only promote products that we approve. It is completely up to you if you want to purchase an item after clicking on our links. We provide these links to make it easier for our readers and followers to find the products that we love or suggest. Rest assured that if you click on a link, NO extra cost will be added to your final price. Your cost is the same whether you shop through our link or go directly to the site on your own.
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